Side Effects of Ganoderma Lucidum

Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most highly regarded tonic herbs of all time.  Among its countless benefits for your health, there are important components of ganoderma mushroom to keep in mind when considering the side effects of personal supplementation.  In this article we will overview how ganoderma mushroom is classified, how it reacts with our bodies, and common misconceptions associated with the “side effects” of ganoderma lucidum.

First and foremost, ganoderma mushroom is a tonic herb. In order for an herb to be considered a “tonic,” it must be non-toxic, in which case would provide no known side effects, assuming it is a high-grade product and taken in a proper dosage.  Secondly, ganoderma mushroom is an adaptogen.  As its name so eloquently indicates, adaptogens promote the overall purpose of homeostasis, through aiding your body in “adapting” to both your outside environment as well as the imbalances within.  This means that a person with excessive energy could take ganoderma lucidum and experience a calming effect without feeling drowsy or sedated, whereas another person who experiences fatigue could also take ganoderma and find themselves in a wakeful state of energy without being overly stimulated.  Adaptogenic tonics are bidirectional, not meant to specifically force treatment of your body in one way or another, being capable of both increasing and decreasing bodily processes.  This is an amazing trait of ganoderma that is physically impossible to replicate in conventional medication.  There is often a laundry list of side effects attached to medications because they can only move in one direction, having one purpose for your body and blindly disregarding whatever other local processes that may interfere with its treatment.

Now that we’ve established that ganoderma lucidum is an adaptogenic tonic herb, with no side effects, it is important to know what to expect when taking it.  Since it is inevitable that toxins have infiltrated our bodies, through food, air, environmental pollutions, medications, alcohol, drugs or any other nook they could squeeze themselves through, when you begin taking an herbal supplement such as ganoderma, you will begin to detox.  Its adaptogenic properties and strong antioxidant properties will team up to restore balance of your internal organs and processes and clean up your system.  The side effects of detoxing are often confused with the side effects of that which is inhibiting the detox.  Detox symptoms vary depending on how toxic your body is.  Diarrhea, headaches, skin outbreaks, fatigue, hunger, or unwanted weight gain or loss are initial and temporary indicators of your body’s release of toxins.  More serious side effects of detox could lead to illness, as toxins are their strongest when being evicted, as opposed to latently stagnating and taking a holiday deep within your body.

Lastly, and possible most importantly, if you are on any medications, it is important to consult a health care professional before taking any herbal supplements.  Naturally, a relationship between bidirectional adaptogen and monodirectional medication with specific purposes and side effects should be both consulted and monitored.  The power of herbal tonics is best discovered in a stand-alone fashion.

Ganoderma lucidum has so many wonderful properties, and when taken with proper preparation, dose, consult, and grade, you can truly witness your body’s journey to homeostasis.  The road of detoxification certainly will have its bumps, so just remember to drink plenty of water, get a good amount of sleep and stay active, as all of these things will help to not only expedite this process, but also lessen the symptoms of the detox.  Once your body begins to regulate and starts to protect itself from free radicals, you will not only feel great, but also begin to witness why ganoderma lucidum is one of the most popular tonic herbs of all time.

Check out Ganoderma extracts here:

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