This simple alchemical meditation will activate and stimulate the energy centers in your body. With practice you will notice excellent energy development and sensitivity. You can also use this meditation prior to going to sleep at night or before a nap and this will aid in the practice of lucid dream, astral travel, or other forms of Dream Yoga.
Make sure your clothing is loose and comfortable. You can do this either sitting up or lying down, whichever is most comfortable for you.
1. Close your eyes, relax, and take 3 very deep breaths, filling and emptying your lungs completely each time.
2. Begin by activating the energy points on the bottom of your feet. These points are referred to as the bubbling spring well in Chinese medicine and are the acupuncture point Kidney 1, which is the start of the water channel.
It is located at the bottom of the foot, beneath, the arch, in the depression in the center of the sole. This point is of great significance because it is our connection with the earth. You can activate these points by imagining each one as a spiraling vortex of energy.
3. Once you can clearly sense the bubbling spring point, activate the points in the center of your palms. You can activate these points by imagining each one as a spiraling vortex of energy.
4. Now you will activate each of the major energy centers along the spine. The activation uses the seven colors of the visible spectrum. These colors can be remembered with the old Roy G. Biv which means: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
5. Become aware of the energy center at the base of the spine. Now visualize a red light shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
6. Become aware of the energy center at the navel. Now visualize a orange light shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
7. Become aware of the energy center at the solar plexus. Now visualize a yellow light shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
8. Become aware of the energy center at your heart(in the center of the chest.) Now visualize a green shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
9. Become aware of the energy center at the throat. Now visualize a blue light shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
10. Become aware of the energy center at the base of your nose between your two eyes. Now visualize an indigo light shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
11. Become aware of the energy center at the top of your head. Now visualize a violet light shining from that point. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
12. Next bring your energy and attention back to your palms and the bottoms of your feet. Stay here and breathe into this point for 1-2 minutes.
13. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and then open your eyes.