I feel this is one of the more important podcasts that I’ve shared.
It’s main purpose is to get us to a more evolved place of empowerment and involvement where in we feel that deep drive and deep sense of I CAN.
These 3 pillars are things that I have personally gleaned from my own experience as well as many conversations with other practitioners in the holistic health field.
If we truly want to achieve lasting results with out wasting our precious time, energy, money, and attention, then I believe these 3 pillars are key in that process.
1. we are each responsible for ourselves
- its up to us
- of course teachers, guides, and research is important
- lean on anything too long, it will collapse
2. no magic bullet or golden pill
- its about looking at the big picture
- its about being more holistic
3. its never done, no end all be all or static place of perfection
- always different levels to grow to and expand to
- cant miss what we’ve never had
- where there’s movement and free flow, there’s health