Affiliate Program
Earn passive income while promoting industry leading tonic herbs and supplements.
Benefits of partnering with us:
1. Earn passive income
We offer a 10% commission on all sales that come through your affiliate link. This includes sales and/or promotions. We are also open to exploring high commissions if appropriate
2. Unique affiliate backend
This is where you can easily access banners, email copy, and personal product links. Also this is where you can keep track of your click throughs and sales.
3. Get your payments quickly and reliably
We send out payments on the 28th of every month via PayPal. Your full balance will paid whether its $5.00 or $10,000.
4. Superb customer support
We care and we like to help. We take care of our clients. You can rest assured your questions will be answered with in 24 hours of receiving during normal business days.
5. Get paid forever
Once you refer a customer to us, you will receive commission on any and all future orders that they make.
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.